The Jaredite Civilization » Destruction of the Jaredite Civilization


Everywhere throughout the land all the people became divided, either joining the army of Coriantumr or the army of Shiz. The lengthy and terrible war spread so quickly that the entire land was strewn with the bodies of men, women, and children. With no one left to bury the dead, the bodies were eaten away by worms. And the survivors were troubled by the stench both day and night. Jesus was visiting the fullness of his wrath upon the people.

Ether 14:19-25


The armies of Shiz and Coriantumr fought an extremely bloody battle upon the hill Comnor, and Shiz struck Coriantumr, causing him many deep wounds. Coriantumr fainted from the loss of blood and was carried away as though dead. The death toll among men, women, and children was so high that Shiz did not pursue the army of Coriantumr.

Ether 14:28-31


When Coriantumr recovered he saw that two million fighting men had been killed in the war—not counting all their wives and children—and he began to remember the words of the prophets. He became inconsolably sad and repented his evil. He wrote a letter to Shiz offering to give him the kingdom if he would spare the people. Shiz wrote back that he would spare the people if Coriantumr allowed Shiz to kill him.

Ether 15:1-5


But the people were not repentant of their wickedness. The people of Shiz and the people of Coriantumr were stirred with anger at each other and the two sides met in battle again near the hill Cumorah in what is now western New York State. Over the course of four years, every last surviving person in all the land assembled there with the exception of the prophet Ether, who observed from a distance. The year was now likely around 590 B.C.


Even the women and children were outfitted with swords, shields, helmets, and breastplates. The two sides marched forth against each other. After a whole day of fighting, neither side had conquered the other.

Ether 15:15


That night when the weary people returned to their battle camps, the air was pierced with extreme howls of grief over those who had died.

Ether 15:16


The second day of the battle was terrible and intense with neither side conquering the other. By this point, the spirit of the Lord had left the people and Satan had full power over them, and their minds were blinded to bring about their destruction. Over the next nights, rather than return to their camps, they slept on their swords, and fought all day with their swords, drunk with anger.

Ether 15:17-24


After six days of battle, there were only 32 of Shiz's people and 27 of Coriantumr's people remaining alive. All were big, strong men. They ate and slept, and prepared to die the next morning. On the seventh day they fought for three hours and then all fainted from loss of blood. Finally on the eighth day, all the men killed one another until only Shiz and Coriantumr were left alive.

Ether 15:25-29


When Shiz fainted from loss of blood on the eighth day, Coriantumr rested a little by leaning on his sword. Then he cut off Shiz's head. Shiz raised himself up on his hands and struggled for breath before dying. Then Coriantumr himself fell to the ground as though dead.

Ether 15:29-32


Jesus told Ether to come forth, and Ether came forth and saw that all of Jesus's words had been fulfilled. Ether finished writing the record of the Jaredite people on 24 gold plates, and then he hid them where they would one day be found by the Mulekites. Ether ended his writings not knowing if Jesus would take him up into heaven or leave him on Earth to suffer.


Coriantumr survived the battle and wandered until he was found by a people known as the Mulekites. Mulek was a descendant of King David of Jerusalem. Jesus lead Mulek and his people across the ocean to America during the sixth century B.C., and they founded a city to the south of the area where the Jaredite civilization ended. Coriantumr lived among the Mulekites for around nine months and then he died.



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