Now that Limhi's people and Alma's people had come to Zarahemla, King Mosiah II gathered all the people together. Though they all now considered themselves Nephites, the majority of the people were descendants of Zarahemla's original inhabitants, the Mulekites. And by way of comparison, all those of Nephite and Mulekite descent combined totaled less than half the population of the Lamanites at this time.
• Mosiah 25:1-3
Mosiah II had the history of Zeniff, Noah, and Limhi read aloud, and then Alma's history. The people were amazed and didn't know what to think. They were filled with sorrow and shed many tears when they they heard about all the Nephites who had been killed, and they felt anguish in their souls when they heard about the sinful and polluted state of the Lamanites.
• Mosiah 25:5-11
But at the same time, the people were extremely happy that Limhi's people had been rescued from servitude, and after hearing about Alma, they all wanted to be baptized. So they went to the water, and Alma baptized the people as he had at the waters of Mormon. And everyone he baptized became members of the Church of God.
• Mosiah 25:8, 17-18
Since there were too many people to effectively preach to them all at once, Mosiah II allowed Alma to have churches built throughout the land of Zarahemla, and to ordain priests for each church. Seven churches were built, and their priests preached nothing but repentance and faith in God. And Jesus blessed them, and they prospered in the land.
• Mosiah 25:19-24
Some time later a new generation came of age who were too young to remember King Benjamin's speech. They did not believe in Christ, did not get baptized, and would not join the church. These people made up less than half the population, but their numbers were growing. Those who committed sins were taken by the priests and brought before Alma.
• Mosiah 26:1-7
Mosiah II had given Alma authority over the church, but Alma did not know what to do with them. Fearing he might do something wrong in Jesus's view, he asked Jesus for guidance. And the voice of Jesus came to him, saying, "You are blessed for establishing a church among these people and for asking for guidance on this matter."
"Listen," said Jesus, "at the Final Judgement, those that never knew me will be called forth to stand before me, and then they will know that I am Jesus their God and their Redeemer. But they will not be redeemed. I will tell them that I never knew them, and they will depart into everlasting fire prepared for Satan and his angels."
• Mosiah 27:1-10
"Go," said Jesus, "And if someone sins and does not repent, they shall not be numbered among my people." So Alma went and judged the people accordingly. Those who would not confess their sins and repent had their names blotted out—which is to say they were excommunicated from the church.
• Mosiah 27:1-16
But the unbelievers persecuted the church so much that Mosiah II sent out a proclamation banning persecution of the church by unbelievers. But Mosiah II’s own sons were among the unbelievers, as was Alma's son, Alma the Younger, who was a very wicked and idolatrous man who led many people into wickedness. Alma the Younger and four of Mosiah II's sons were going about in secret trying to destroy the church.
• Mosiah 27:17-21
But suddenly an angel of Jesus appeared to the young men, speaking with a voice of thunder that shook the ground. "Alma," said the angel, "why do you persecute the church of God? Can you dispute the power of God now? Doesn't my voice shake the earth? Go your way, Alma, and seek to destroy the church no more."
• Mosiah 27:23-29
The angel departed and Alma the Younger was so astonished he could not speak and he became so weak he had to be carried away. They took him and laid him before his father Alma and told him what had happened. Alma rejoiced, knowing that it was the power of God at work. He gathered people around to see what Jesus had done for his son.
• Mosiah 27:32-36
They prayed for him and fasted for two days and nights, and then Alma the Younger stood and and spoke, saying, "Look, I am born of the Spirit. All mankind must be born again. My soul was racked with eternal torture. I was tormented with the pains of hell. After repenting near to the point of death, I have been rescued out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God."
• Mosiah 27:23-29
• Alma 36:13
From that time forward, Alma the Younger and the four sons of Mosiah II traveled throughout Zarahemla, preaching the word of God zealously trying to undo all the damage they had once done to the church, and they were instruments in the hand of God. And they faced many troubles and were greatly persecuted by the unbelievers, being struck by many of them.
• Mosiah 27:32-36
After preaching in Zarahemla, Mosiah II's sons wanted to bring salvation to the Lamanites, for the thought that any soul would endure endless torture made them shake and tremble. So they asked their father the king for permission, and Mosiah II asked Jesus if he should allow them to go. Jesus said yes, and that they would save many Lamanites and that he would keep them safe. So Mosiah II's sons headed off into the wilderness, and their story will continue later.
• Mosiah 28:1-9
Also from the creator of The Brick Book of Mormon: